With the latest relaxation in Covid laws (19th July) we thought we would make it clear how we will be approaching our event with Covid in mind. The first thing to note is we will be doing all we can to ensure everyone feels comfortable and able to attend our event.
Firstly, we chose 26 Leake Street as a venue because of its size. Its capacity is over 1,100 so we will capping our audience at 40% capacity at a time when the government isn't insisting on capacity restrictions.
We are also going to have a robust check in proecedure, on entry we will ask for:
Proof of a negative test within last 48 hours
OR proof of double vaccine
We will also ask every guest to sanitise their hands on arrival and take a temperature check. Hand sanitiser will also be available throughout the venue all day and people are welcome (but not permitted) to wear masks if they so choose.
We fully believe taking this approach will mean we can run a safe and successful event, we can’t wait to see you there.